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    storybook组件属性详解:组件props到strorybook Args

    Author:zhoulujun Date:

    首先我们查看官方文档:https: storybook js org docs vue writing-docs doc-block-argstable customizing官方的例子么有看到v-model如何






    Data TyeControlDescription
    booleanbooleanProvides a toggle for switching between possible states.
    argTypes: { active: { control: 'boolean' }}
    numbernumberProvides a numeric input to include the range of all possible values.
    argTypes: { even: { control: { type: 'number', min:1, max:30, step: 2 } }}
    rangeProvides a range slider component to include all possible values.
    argTypes: { odd: { control: { type: 'range', min: 1, max: 30, step: 3 } }}
    objectobjectProvides a JSON-based editor component to handle the object's values.
    Also allows edition in raw mode.
    argTypes: { user: { control: 'object' }}
    arrayobjectProvides a JSON-based editor component to handle the values of the array.
    Also allows edition in raw mode.
    argTypes: { odd: { control: 'object' }}

    fileProvides a file input component that returns an array of URLs.
    Can be further customized to accept specific file types.
    argTypes: { avatar: { control: { type: 'file', accept: '.png' } }}
    enumradioProvides a set of radio buttons based on the available options.
    argTypes: { contact: { control: 'radio', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] }}
    inline-radioProvides a set of inlined radio buttons based on the available options.
    argTypes: { contact: { control: 'inline-radio', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] }}
    checkProvides a set of checkbox components for selecting multiple options.
    argTypes: { contact: { control: 'check', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] }}
    inline-checkProvides a set of inlined checkbox components for selecting multiple options.
    argTypes: { contact: { control: 'inline-check', options: ['email', 'phone', 'mail'] }}
    selectProvides a drop-down list component to handle single value selection. argTypes: { age: { control: 'select', options: [20, 30, 40, 50] }}
    multi-selectProvides a drop-down list that allows multiple selected values. argTypes: { countries: { control: 'multi-select', options: ['USA', 'Canada', 'Mexico'] }}
    stringtextProvides a freeform text input.
    argTypes: { label: { control: 'text' }}
    colorProvides a color picker component to handle color values.
    Can be additionally configured to include a set of color presets.
    argTypes: { color: { control: { type: 'color', presetColors: ['red', 'green']} }}
    dateProvides a datepicker component to handle date selection. argTypes: { startDate: { control: 'date' }}

    但这些都是简单类型,如果是复杂类型,react 很好办,比如:https://5a375b97f4b14f0020b0cda3-pmgvlqukun.chromatic.com/?path=/story/argtypes-typescript--unions



    const argTypes = {
      label: {
        name: 'label',
        type: { name: 'string', required: false },
        defaultValue: 'Hello',
        description: 'demo description',
        table: {
          type: { summary: 'string' },
          defaultValue: { summary: 'Hello' },
        control: {
          type: 'text'

    table 能够更好的描述清属性

    nameThe name of the property.
    argTypes: { label: { name: 'Something' } }
    type.nameSets a type for the property.
    argTypes: { label: { type: { name: 'number' } } }
    type.requiredSets the property as optional or required.
    argTypes: { label: { type: { required: true } }
    descriptionSets a Markdown description for the property.
    argTypes: { label: { description: 'Something' } }
    table.type.summaryProvide a  short version of the type.
    argTypes: { label: { table: { type: { summary: 'a short summary' } }}}
    table.type.detailProvides an extended version of the type.
    argTypes: { label: { table: { type: { detail: 'something' } }}}
    table.defaultValue.summaryProvide a short version of the default value.
    argTypes: { label: { table: { defaultValue: { summary: 'Hello World' } }}}
    table.defaultValue.detailProvides a longer version of the default value.
    argTypes: { label: { table: { defaultValue: { detail: 'Something' } }}}
    controlAssociates a control for the property.
    argTypes: { label: { control: { type: 'text'} } }
    Read the  Essentials documentation to learn more about controls.

    具体查看 https://storybook.js.org/docs/vue/writing-docs/doc-block-argstable


    // SubmitForm.stories.ts
    export default {
      title: "ui组件/SubmitForm",
      component: SubmitForm,
      argTypes: {
        refName: {
          description: '表单组件引用',
          type: {
            required: true,
          table: {
            defaultValue: {
              summary: 'defaultNameRef',
          control: {
            type: 'text'
        schema: {
          type: {
            required: true,
          table: {
            type: {
              summary: '渲染表单所需JSON结构',
              detail: 'JSON结构包含表单渲染、交互所需要的必要字段,也包含表单的校验规则',
            defaultValue: {
              summary: '[]',
              detail: `[
                    key: "moduleName",
                    name: "title",
                    type: SchemaType.Text,
                    label: "栏目名称",
                    placeholder: "请输入栏目名称",
                    attrs: {
                    rules: [
                        required: true,
                        message: "栏目名称必填~",
                        trigger: RuleTrigger.Blur,
        runtimeChange: {
          description: '实时监听表单的更新',
          table: {
            category: 'Events',

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