webpack4.x 与react-router2.x冲突,报错
Author:[email protected] Date:
react-router v4 组件化思想,蛮好。但是升级后,发现,整个路由都要改
code split的 官方推荐模式:
Babel (e.g., to compile JSX to JavaScript) then you will need to use the @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import plugin. This is a syntax-only plugin, meaning Babel won’t do any additional transformations. The plugin simply allows Babel to parse dynamic imports so webpack can bundle them as a code split. Your .babelrc should look something like this:{ "presets": ["@babel/react"], "plugins": ["@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"] } react-loadable is a higher-order component for loading components with dynamic imports. It handles all sorts of edge cases automatically and makes code splitting simple! Here’s an example of how to use react-loadable:import Loadable from "react-loadable"; import Loading from "./Loading"; const LoadableComponent = Loadable({ loader: () => import("./Dashboard"), loading: Loading }); export default class LoadableDashboard extends React.Component { render() { return <LoadableComponent />; } }
改造成本还是太大,所以,还是回退到"react-router": "^2.8.1",发现报错,func 啥的。
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